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CEO Blog - 14.6.24


This week has been filled with exciting meetings and a few lovely moments that I want to share with you...

Firstly, I am delighted to report that New Bridge School and Spring Brook Upper's visit to Disney was a great success, and I am pleased to see everyone back safe and sound.

The trip was not only enjoyable but also a valuable experience for all involved.

If you've kept up to speed on social media, you'll have seen hundreds of photographs of our students and staff having an absolute ball.

Can I once again thank the staff for their contributions and dedication towards making these trips happen.

Parents and families have loved being able to see what their children have been doing, and here's just one of the many appreciative comments...

Thank you so much for looking after our kids and make them to enjoy there. We really appreciate your support and efforts you did for our kids. We also enjoyed too much by looking your amazing pictures. Thanks for posting pictures for us. Have safe journey. Thank you so much all the teachers and staff.

Elsewhere, I had a fascinating meeting with our LA colleagues to explore updated funding models for young people in Ebase.

I want to extend my personal gratitude to our staff for their support in this. Your dedication is remarkable and greatly appreciated.

Another highlight of the week was a meeting with Trust CEOs and Harry Catherall, the chief executive of Oldham Council.

It was enlightening to hear about the council's aspirations for Oldham, and I am committed to ensuring that the voices of our Oldham stakeholders are heard at this significant level.

Also, as we enter the season of Local Governing Board meetings and invitational gatherings, it is essential to reflect on the impact of our year's work.

I was delighted to receive feedback from Michelle Rathor, our Executive Director of Learning and Impact, who attended some of the invitational sessions.

The celebration of learning was truly special, with a standout moment being a presentation by three Year 11 students from Samuel Laycock.

Their reflections on work experience and readiness for the next chapter were inspiring and a testament to the transformative power of education, and the work we do in our MAT.

It's all about destinations, and this was proof of that.

I am deeply proud of the progress we have made and the positive outcomes we have achieved together.

To all New Bridge colleagues, your dedication and commitment to our shared mission are evident in every success story and milestone we reach.

Thank you for your hard work and ongoing support.

Together, we are making a difference in the lives of our students and communities.

So, let's keep going!

I hope everyone has a restful weekend dodging the rain showers, especially those of you who have just returned from Disney!

Finally, take a look at the latest Destinations Champions video, produced by our team of students on the Destiny Pathway. I'm sure you'll agree, it's fantastic!



Have a great weekend!

