New Bridge MAT

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New Bridge Multi Academy Trust was established in 2014 when the Members set out the Trust’s constitution and signed its Memorandum and Articles of Association.

Members of the Trust have an overview of the governance arrangements and the power to appoint and remove Trustees and Governors.

Our Trust aims to establish, maintain, manage and develop a broad and balanced curriculum, and to promote the provision of our facilities for the benefit of our communities. We believe that we have considerable skill and expertise in supporting schools that work with young people who have learning disabilities. We focus on getting the basics right with an emphasis on innovation, collaboration and enjoyment. We are aiming to build a thriving community of converting and sponsored academies. We will maintain a family of autonomous schools that is uncompromising in its search for excellence

We see the value in being outward facing and believe that creating sustainable partnerships with like-minded schools encourages and supports continued improvement.

Our Members are:              

Ken Stapleton                 (from 1/9/12)

Oliver Sandiford Booth (from 18/8/21)

Gill Robinson                     (from 17/5/24)

Sue Graham                      (from December 24)

I was born, raised and educated in Oldham but moved to Derbyshire when I got married. I have 2 grown up children and 3 grandchildren.

My B.Ed Hons degree is in Special Educational Needs but I have always taught in the mainstream primary sector. For 33 years I worked in 4 Tameside schools, in Stalybridge and Dukinfield. The last 15 years of my career I was Headteacher of St. John’s CE Primary School in Dukinfield.

I am now retired, rested and reflective. I am trustworthy, questioning and conscientious. My past experiences equip me well for a Membership position.


Our Members confirm that they have complied with the duty in Section 4 of the Charities Act 2006 to have due regard to the Charity Commissioner’s general guidance on public benefit in exercising their powers or duties. They have referred to this guidance when reviewing the Trust’s aims and objectives and in planning its future activities.